All posts by Sascha

Fly as a chicken!

Chicken Tournament for Android received some updates recently, with some great improvements. Chicken can now fly!! This took a while to get right and I have replaced the very complex and realistic approach with much simplified mechanics (on the cost of loopings or barrel rolls).

Use either the on-screen D-Pad or fly using the device sensors.

Now I just need to teach the Computer chicken how to fly. 🙂

Check out the promo video below

As always only available in the Google Play Store:

Chicken Tournament Demo on Google Play

SEQTA Learn and Engage Android Apps

The SEQTA Android Apps for Learn and Engage are now available in the Google Play Store. While the iOS App has been developed in-house by an external developer, I developed the Android versions as a side project at home. The Apps were later handed over and integrated into the portfolio of the company.

SEQTA Learn and Engage are (c) SEQTA Software, 2017.

The two Apps are mostly identical other than branding and the target audience and feature native login experience, QR Code scanning for signing in via a code, push notifications and a webview to display the content. They support multiple accounts and support modern Android features like launcher shortcuts.

Android Apps free in Google Play

SEQTA Engage Android App
SEQTA Learn Android App

Read the official announcement or FAQ.
